Advocacy and Thought Leadership

The George Institute is focused on effective advocacy and thought leadership to improve health, aligned to our research goals.

We are engaging with key stakeholders, sharing insights and fostering discussions to stimulate debate, guide critical health policy decisions and facilitate evidence-based change.

By working with some of the world’s leading health voices we are amplifying our work in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and injury and improving systems for prevention and treatment.

Our activities

This blog by Senior Research Fellow Dr Rohina Joshi first appeared in Indian Link and has been republished with their permission.   India is experiencing an overwhelming second wave of COVID-19…
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Twenty years of ground-breaking research from The George Institute has proven the effectiveness of combining multiple medications into one pill to prevent heart attacks and strokes – the world’s…
Case Studies
Our research has saved many thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of dollars by changing the way the medical world views one of the most common intensive care treatments. Our studies have…
Case Studies
The ACTION (Asean CosTs In Oncology) study aimed to generate unprecedented data to help policymakers protect their people and economies from cancer’s catastrophic impact. Since 2015, ACTION has…
Case Studies
This post was originally published on BMJ Global and is reproduced here with permission. Bicycles are a healthy, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly mode of transport that India…
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The George Institute for Global Health is delighted to announce the launch of The Scan, a new podcast exploring the latest research, emerging evidence, and progress towards improving health outcomes…
For more than a decade, The George Institute has championed global action that has the potential to save many millions of lives and billions of dollars in healthcare costs. Our researchers have…
Case Studies
This post was originally published on LinkedIn by Parisa Glass, Director of Innovation and Enterprise, and Professor Vlado Perkovic and is reproduced here with her kind permission.  Healthcare…
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The number of people living with diabetes is increasing worldwide at an alarming rate. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), diabetes is one of the fastest growing health…
463 million people are living with diabetes, which is expected to rise to 578 million by 2030. This year, the focus of World Diabetes Day is raising awareness about the critical need for more nurses…
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